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//index.js import { config } from '../../config.js' Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { //判断小程序的API,回调,参数,组件等是否在当前版本可用。 canIUse: wx.canIUse('button.open-type.getUserInfo'), login_pic:'' }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; // 查看是否授权 wx.getSetting({ success: function (res) { if (res.authSetting['scope.userInfo']) { wx.getUserInfo({ success: function (res) { //从数据库获取用户信息 that.queryUsreInfo(); //用户已经授权过 wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/index/index' }) } }); } } }) // 登录图片 wx.request({ url: config.api_base_url + 'index/login_pic', header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' // 默认值 }, success(res) { that.setData({ login_pic: res.data.msg }) } }) }, bindGetUserInfo: function (e) { if (e.detail.userInfo) { //用户按了允许授权按钮 var that = this; //插入登录的用户的相关信息到数据库 var openid = getApp().globalData.openid; wx.request({ url: config.api_base_url + 'Xcx/login', data: { userinfo: e.detail.userInfo, openid: openid }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' // 默认值 }, method:'post', success(res) { if (res.data.result==1){ wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/index/index' }) }else{ console.log("写入失败") } } }) //授权成功后,跳转进入小程序首页 } else { //用户按了拒绝按钮 wx.showModal({ title: '警告', content: '您点击了拒绝授权,将无法进入小程序,请授权之后再进入!!!', showCancel: false, confirmText: '返回授权', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击了“返回授权”') } } }) } }, //获取用户信息接口 queryUsreInfo: function () { // var openid = getApp().globalData.openid; // wx.request({ // url: getApp().globalData.urlPath + 'hstc_interface/queryByOpenid', // data: { // openid: getApp().globalData.openid // }, // header: { // 'content-type': 'application/json' // }, // success: function (res) { // console.log(res.data); // getApp().globalData.userInfo = res.data; // } // }) }, }) index.json { "navigationBarTitleText": "授权登录" } index.wxml <view wx:if="{{canIUse}}"> <view class='header'> <image src='{{login_pic}}'></image> </view> <!-- <view class='content'> <view>申请获取以下权限</view> <text>获得你的公开信息(昵称,头像等)</text> </view> --> <button class='bottom' type='primary' open-type="getUserInfo" lang="zh_CN" bindgetuserinfo="bindGetUserInfo"> 开启 </button> </view> <view wx:else>请升级微信版本</view> index.js .header { margin: 90rpx 0 90rpx 50rpx; /* border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; */ text-align: center; width: 650rpx; height: 600rpx; line-height: 450rpx; } .header image { width: 300px; height: 350px; } .content { margin-left: 50rpx; margin-bottom: 90rpx; } .content text { display: block; color: #9d9d9d; margin-top: 40rpx; } .bottom { border-radius: 80rpx; margin: 70rpx 50rpx; font-size: 35rpx; }
onLoad: function (options) { //获取栏目 var that = this wx.showLoading({ title: '' }) // 查看是否授权 wx.getSetting({ success: function (res) { if (!res.authSetting['scope.userInfo']) { //未登录,跳转到登录页 wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/login/index', }) } } }) //获取banner wx.request({ url: config.api_base_url + 'index/banner', header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' // 默认值 }, success(res) { that.setData({ slider: res.data.msg.banner, text: res.data.msg.pmd }) } }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading() that.setData({ hidden: false }) }, 2000) },
//app.js import { config } from './config.js' App({ onLaunch: function () { var that = this; wx.login({ success: res => { wx.request({ url: config.api_base_url + 'Xcx/get_openid', // url: that.globalData.wx_url_1 + res.code + that.globalData.wx_url_2, data:{ code: res.code }, success: res => { that.globalData.openid = res.data.msg; } }) } }); }, globalData: { } })
const config = { api_base_url: 'https://xxxxxx.com/api/', appkey: "XXXXX", } export {config }